We are very pleased to announce you that the long awaited public beta of SEO Effect is almost, almost here. The last changes are made. Bugs are resolved. It was a head cruncher to make the price plans, free trials, fair use and more. The result is our price plan page . See it for yourself. We hope you like it!
Credit price model
We decided to work with a credit price model . You buy credits that you can use to activate campaigns. We have three campaign levels which can accommodate small, medium and large websites. The higher the level, the more credits per month are used. Of course you get email warnings when your credits are running out.
The highlights:
- Try SEO Effect risk free for a full month. Hassle free, no subscription, no credit card details needed to sign up.
- Starts at $9 a month for this beta version.
- Prices will rise when more functionality becomes available. The more credits you buy now, the longer you enjoy this low price level.
Hope you like it! Please give us feedback in the comments or with the feedback button.
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