Just before Christmas, we are proud to present an SEO Effect update.
- Better ease of use in keyword research
- Export functions available
- More useful keyword info in trends
- Improved design
- More than 100 other improvements and bug fixes
Ease of Use keyword research
Some of the more visible improvements of our keyword research tool :
- In step 2: the interface for choosing keyword research method has improved
- You can now see what the tool is doing in the background
- “More keywords like this” in step 2 expert mode, has been improved and made more accessible. Please give it a try
- We redesigned interface of step 5 of keyword research in expert mode. This makes it easier to add keywords to your campaign list
Export functions
Now you can export a list with your keyword campaign data, using the ‘export’ button. This is also available in the ‘traffic share’ trends table.
Keyword info in trends
The table below the ‘traffic share’ trends now contains:
- Current Traffic
- Potential additional traffic
This helps you to put the trend data of individual keywords in perspective.
The look and feel has improved
The entire application has been given a design update. The forms look way better and the tables look less cluttered. Many people missed the headline and help items in the title bar. So we changed the color scheme to make that bit clearer. We hope you like it!
Many bug fixes
There are more than 200 bugs and over 100 improvements that we won’t discuss in detail but we are sure that they will be helpful to you.
If you encounter problems…
If you have a weird result or a screen with an obvious error, please clear your browser cache or – if that does not work – try to delete all cookies of memberzone.seoeffect.com in your browser settings.
If the problem persists, please contact us for help.
make you jump through these kind of hoops. We are working on a solution to prevent this sort of problems with browser cache
We also noted some rare cases that the Google Analytics token has been broken for a campaign. Because you are the only one to grant access to Google Analytics, we cannot check or fix this from our end. If you spot this problem, please reply to this email from your account’s email address and tell us your campaign name and we will mail you a guide how to fix this.
What’s next?
The next update will be major! ‘On page optimization’ enables you to improve the SEO score of important pages of your site.
So keep an eye on this blog!